Saturday, 11 August 2007

Much ado about nothing

Because my big sister has been bullying me into writing another blog, I will attempt to do so, but nothing really interesting has happened to me over the past week.


A few days ago I popped in to see sindie and just had to take these pictures of her handsome pussycat, Arthur. He is a huge, soft, cuddly lump of a cat:0)


Last weekend Emily stayed with us because she doesn't like going away in the camper van. She was eating her lunch in the garden, and I took this picture of her. She was mortified! No make up on and her hair not done! I think she looks very nice, not posing for a change!

This Friday Livvie came to stay for a couple of days, and as it was so hot, we set up the garden shower on the lower patio, for her and Pickles to play in it. Livvie had the brilliant idea of giving Pickles a bath in the garden, which is the only place we can bath her due to the humungous amount of hair that she sheds. I was all for this, so Livvie set about doing it. She made a really thorough job of it, and here are a few pictures that I took for my blog.

Now Pickles is shiny and clean, and smells of nothing worse than lovely shower gel!


Livvie then decided she wanted to make a huge Giggle Cake for Sindie to take on holiday with her. It is the type of cake that keeps very well, but usually gets eaten before it has had a chance to prove itself!! I have a constant supply of Giggle Cake in my house, because Lennie loves a nice big chunk every evening about 10.00p.m. with a cup of tea. Livvie's turned out lovely, and she then said she wanted to make a Feather cake. This is just a light sponge, but she likes to put mixed spice in it. Both her and Sindie won't eat currants or sultanas, which the giggle cake has an abundance of:0)


Livvie then learnt a very convincing magic trick, which is very clever. We are still not sure of how she does it! I won't tell you about it because she will want to show her aunties the trick.
Sindie's friends, Dawn and Glen arrived last night for the start of their holiday, so Livvie wanted to go home lunch time to see her 'Uncle Sausages' as she calls Glen. We took her home, proudly carrying two lovely cakes, and all the ingredients for her magic trick. Unfortunately, they were all out shopping, and only Emily was at home, so she had to bottle up her excitement until they arrived home. I hope the trick went okay for her:0)


By the way, I am a very lucky bunny. As I am writing this blog, Lennie is busy shampooing the hall and lounge carpets for me, and he has just bought me up a nice hot milky coffee to boot!

Well I told you I didn't have much to report. Sindie and Co., are leaving for their holiday on Sunday, and Emily will be moving in until Wednesday, (when she will spend the night at her friends house) then she will move in with Babs and Mo on Thursday until her mum comes back home on Saturday, because I have Chris, Sarah, Aaron, Jo and lumpie arriving that day. Who knows what next week may bring? We are in charge of Sindies cats, so I suppose there is always the chance of a story there!! And I am sure we shall be doing all sorts of nice things when Chris and Sarah come.

Monday, 6 August 2007


What a beautiful day it was yesterday! I managed to get out in the garden in the afternoon, and it was so hot that all I did was lounge around and read:0)
Sindie and Gary came round in the evening, after their return from a weekend away, and we had sausages and mash with onions in the garden! We sat out there until quite late, even after they had gone home. We could smell barbeques all around us!
Today was much cooler, with quite a stiff breeze. We live on a windy corner, so it was just too breezy to sit out :0( We popped in to see Sindie and the girls as usual, and also went to see Leeta and Arthur.
Leeta and I have what we call a 'slimming club'. We try to weigh in regularly and each week put £5.00 each in a cash box. (This is the money it would have cost us to go to Weight Watchers) By the end of the year we have about £250.00 saved towards Christmas expenses! Sindie also does this with us, but she weighs in at home. This week, Leeta and I both lost two pounds, so are quite pleased! Sadly, this is not the 'norm', but we aim to make it so, don't we Leeta?
Next week I hope to take a photo of Leeta and Arthur when we go for weigh in, and I will put it on the blog:0) You have never seen two people who look so young for their age! (Mind you, you won't be able to tell, because it is not my place to tell you how old they are)!!!
Tomorrow we take Pickles to the vet for her second lot of injections. She gets so excited when she gets in the car, thinking she is going for a run, and all she gets at the end of the ride is a needle stuck in her neck! We will have to do what we did last time, and stop off at the football field so that she can have a game with her ball!
I have tried to make this into seperate paragraphs, but each time I publish it, the words all go together again. Sorry if it makes it a difficult read!