Wednesday, 15 August 2007

My Visitors

As you probably know, I have had Emily staying with me for a few days while Sindie is on holiday. (Emily wouldn't go away in a camper van for all the money in China!). Well, she has gone to stay with her friend for the night after going to the cinema together, and she will be moving in with Babs and Mo (Beetle blogger) for a few days until her mum returns.
I have been busy stripping and making up beds for my next lot of visitors who arrive tomorrow evening. My son Chris, daughter in law Sarah, and grandchildren Aaron and Jo are coming for 8 or 9 days, so we are really looking forward to it. I will have all my spare bedrooms in use, and have made up a bed in my computer room for one of the boys. Just because I have nothing else to show you, I have shown you the result of all my hard work today:0)

The washing machine has also been going non stop, getting the bedding and towels washed that Emily left behind.
My son Chris says that these blogs are just another way us girls have found to natter to one another! I think he is right, but I am enjoying it, so there!


I will be taking plenty of photographs while they are here of course, and hope to have a super duper blog at the end of their stay. Until then, I won't be publishing any more blogs, naturally. But I will be popping in from time to time to see what you have written:0)

Monday, 13 August 2007

My Lemon Tree

I just thought I would show you how my lemon tree is getting on. The first picture is the one I put on my blog a few weeks ago, and the second one is a photo I have just taken. If you look carefully, you will see the first one was only really covering the tips of Lennies fingers. The second one is considerably larger. I have also noticed that it is flowering again!! I am not sure now if it is a lemon tree or a lime tree!!