Monday, 12 October 2015


We had to pop round to Chris and Sarah’s house while they were out.  We let ourselves in, and turned off the alarm, then set about the little job we had to do.
After about five minutes, I heard Lennie shouting something about the gate being left open.  I looked out of the front window, and sure enough, we had forgotten to close the large gate across the drive.  Lennie was nowhere to be seen, so before I went out to close the gate, I looked out of the window into the back garden. 

There was Lennie, frantically waving his arms in the air, and making all sorts of strange noises.  I quickly popped outside, thinking maybe some wasps were attacking him or something.  The sight I saw was hilarious!  He was surrounded by seven sheep, all happily munching away on the lovely grass, completely ignoring his arm waving.  However, as he got louder they began to move, some of them going out of the side entrance to the front, then doubling back again in the other side entrance!  He eventually managed to get them out of the garden on to the front drive, and was successful at shooing them back out of the gate, and closing it.

He spent the next ten to fifteen minutes going all over the garden and drive picking up an unbelievable amount of sheep droppings, which he deposited in a bag, and put into the boot of our car!  On the way home they were put into one of the many ‘doggie bins’ in our village.

One thing is for sure, we won’t forget to close the gate again!  I must say, we had been warned by Chris and Sarah when they first moved to that house that the gate was to be kept shut at all times.  It only take a minute or two for the sheep to realise that a gate is open, and as if by some sort of telepathy, they all start making for it!

Friday, 2 October 2015



We had a lovely day out including a tour of  Llanelly House, part of my birthday treat from Chris and Sarah.

They have just completed a 10 year, £6m restoration, and it is an outstanding  1714 Georgian Town House.  It was the most interesting and amusing tour we have ever been on.  As we were taken round this huge house, dressing table mirrors, framed pictures, and even a complete wall about 27 feet long, came to life, with characters such as Sir Thomas and Lady Stepney, talking to us directly about the ‘goings on’ in the house at the time, all dressed in the costumes of their day.  On the huge wall, which included many picture windows, (which seemed to disappear) we were shown the history of the house and surrounding land with animation and drawings, which was superb.

In Lady Stepney’s bedroom, the dressing table  mirror was the next thing to come to life, suddenly turning into a TV screen, with Lady Stepney showing us how she made up, with that awful white powder with lead in it, and with those little false black spots that were stuck on as beauty spots to cover up any blemishes on the face.  She was saying how vulgar it was to have a tanned skin, whilst looking round the room with disdain at all of us!

We were also taken up some extremely steep stairs to the servants quarters, so steep in fact, that I had to come down again in the lift as I know I would have lost my balance on the stairs!  This was quite a small room, considering it housed five servant girls.  One young servant girl, who was made pregnant by the son of the Lord of the house, had to swear that it was the head butler who was the father.  She then committed suicide by taking a large quantity of laudanum (an alcoholic solution containing morphine, prepared from opium and formerly used as a narcotic painkiller).  In her bedroom was a long standing mirror, which again turned into a screen, and we were involved in the court case that went on after her death, with our tour guide asking them questions, and they in turn, answering our tour guide! These people were life sized.  It is now thought that she was in fact forced to take the Laudenum, and a suicide note (which it is believed was false) saying that the head butler was the father of her child. The signature on the letter, and the hand writing were not those of a servant girl with no education.

At the end of the tour, we had two portraits talking to us.  One was Lord Stepney, and the other Lord Cowell.  It was written in the will that only legitimate sons may inherit the house, and Lord Stepney, who was a kind and forward thinking man was set to inherit it.  However, the next in line, if there was no legitimate son, was Lord Cowell, and he went to court stating that as Lord Stepney’s parents were married in France, which was not recognised in England, then that made Lord Stepney  illegitimate.  He unfortunately won the case, and the house went to him, my namesake!

There was lots more information, which didn’t quite sink in, but it was certainly a very interesting and unusual tour, and I recommend anyone in the area of Llanelli to visit the house and take the tour.

They have a lovely little restaurant there, and our day was finished up with a very nice meal, including a sweet, and of course a latte!

Unfortunately, although armed with our camera and camcorder, as usual we were not allowed to use them, so have no pictures to show you. I did, however, manage to take this picture of Lady Stepney’s bedroom, with the talking dressing table mirror from the brochure!

Sunday, 27 September 2015


Today is my 73rd birthday.  I can't believe I am talking about me.  The years have gone so fast!

The day started beautifully, with a black coffee in bed at seven, and lots of lovely birthday cards. One of the cards held a Boots voucher from my son-in-law Gary, and a very pretty parcel contained a beautiful Willow Tree ornament to add to my collection  titled 'Me and Grandmother' from our lovely granddaughter Emily, who never forgets my  special days :0) The majority of my little collection is from Emily.  Todays present is the one in the centre.

After the excitement of the morning, we were off to spend some time with my son Chris, daughter in law Sarah and our three cheeky grandsons.  We went to The Three Cliffs coffee shop  in Penard on The Gower coast and were treated to a huge scone with jam and cream, and a giant latte!
Afterwards we went for a little walk along the cliff tops.  It is a glorious day, and Wales is so beautiful along this coast.  These are some of the photo's taken on the walk. Just click on each photo to enlarge it. The video is a bit dark as I was filming into the sun.

We had a really lovely couple of hours, and on Wednesday we are being treated to a day out with tours in an historic house, and a nice slap up lunch, all from Chris and Sarah.

I had to add this video taken last week.  This was probably the last long walk Pickles, our dog will have with the boys.  She is now thirteen, and has very bad arthritis in her hips.  Although she enjoyed it, she could hardly walk by the time she got home, so, on vets orders, only short little walks from now on, which is very sad.  She can't understand why, when the boys are getting their walking shoes on, and getting ready to go out, she can no longer go with them :0(  Now about the video.  Joe, the one in the check shorts, is always getting into some sort of mess, falling into streams, getting covered from head to toe in mud,  or coming home from a walk with his wellie boots full of water!  On this occasion he was seriously sizing up if he could get across the river by balancing on an old tree branch!

I hope to have some more video and photo's of our day out on Wednesday.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015


Tuesday, 1 September 2015


       The Lost  Handbag

I forgot to tell you.  The other day I was in Lidl, and there, in the middle of a completely deserted aisle on the floor was a very expensive, large black patent handbag.  I picked it up and carried it around until I found a member of staff to hand it over to.
Anyway, a bit later I got to the checkout and the lady in front of me went to pay.  She was a very elderly, very classy lady, dressed all in black, and very well spoken.  She was panic stricken when she realised her handbag has gone!  I told her it was okay, I had found it and handed it in, so she thanked me again and again,  still in a state of shock, and got her bag back.  As we were going through the till, she came back to me and said in front of everyone
'Are you Church or Chapel'? I asked her to repeat what she had said, as I had been concentrating on my shopping, and again she said 'Church or Chapel'?
'Oh, neither' I stammered, wondering why she asked such a thing.  Everyone was listening. Then she tried to hand me a note, (I don't know if it was five or ten pounds) to 'put in the box when I go'. Of course I didn't take it as I don't go to Church, so she was at a loss how to repay me for handing her bag in.  In must have had a lot of valuable stuff in it.
I just said that I was done a favour a while ago and was asked to 'pay it forward' so perhaps a time may come when she could do someone a favour too and pay it forward :0) Everyone was smiling and 'aahhhing' when she tried to give me the money.  What a sweet lady.  I certainly knew I was in Wales when she said 'Church or Chapel' !!!

Monday, 31 August 2015


We had our two grandsons Joe (9) and Jake (7) staying with us today and overnight, so thought we would tire them out a bit in readiness for bed tonight  We have a beautiful place just five minutes away called Penllergaer Woods, where we walked and scrambled for just over an hour.  The woods have some lovely waterfalls, and they were particularly lively today after all the rain we have had.  I have never seen them like this, and usually there are a few older boys jumping from the top and swimming below, but not today, it was far too dangerous for that!  I have put a couple of videos on here to show you.  I also took my camera, as stills are much better when you are on the move, but when we got it out, it was as flat as a pancake! (The battery, not the camera)!!

After we finished our walk, we ended up in the woodland tea shop, which is set all on it's own amongst the trees. Thank goodness it wasn't too bad as far as the wasps go, but they have been particularly troublesome this month.

All in all a lovely day with the boys, who are now watching a little TV after downing a huge roast dinner!  Tomorrow morning we have promised to take them to Fforestfach to walk round the 'silly shop' as they call it.  It sells the most unusual things like Roman soldiers helmets, eight foot giraffes, skulls etc., all the sort of things that enthrall young boys :0)  I may take a few photo's tomorrow to show you the sort of things they sell.  And all surprisingly cheap as well!

Sunday, 30 August 2015

New Start

After losing my daughter Sindie, I stopped blogging.  It will be six years now since she left us, and we have now moved to Wales to be near our son and his young family. We miss our two grandaughters very much, but they are now grown and are making their own way in life, and we get some nice visits from them. My three grandsons are still young, and so we decided that we would like to be here to see them grow as we did the girls.   I hope to start blogging again soon about our new life in Wales. Unfortunately we also left some of my sisters behind in Yorkshire, who we also miss very much. Hopefully, it won't be long before we can go back to Yorkshire to see everyone again.