I was very pleased to see that both Emily and Livvie were getting stuck in, making their own lunch, while mum got her teeth round a roll! I didn't see what Emily was making, but Livvie's smelt delicious! She had spread some tomato sauce on two slices of bread, covered that in grated cheeses, and then sprinkled a liberal helping of Worcester sauce on top of that, before grilling. It really got my taste buds going, despite the fact that I had just had my lunch of tuna pasta!
When we got to the garden centre I thought I would take a couple of photos for your perusal.
Just had to take a piccie of these!
After having a good walk round, we popped in for the obligatory tea for Lennie, and cappucino for me:0) Tina, this is the garden centre that we took you and Dave to for a little snack.
The little outdoor cafe where I have my cappucino
We decided that the grass seed was far too expensive there, and that we would go to B&Q for it some other time. We are taking Leeta and Arthur to Morrisons tomorrow, so Lennie will probably pop in then.
The lovely veiw
On the way home we stopped to take a picture of the magnificent veiw! It was a very pretty journey.
We then called in to see Babs and Mo, but Mo was out so we had to make do with just Babs!!! We spent a pleasant half hour there, (with no sign of a cuppa!) so we made our way home to lounge in the garden.
Leeta had phoned me this morning to tell me to watch the TV because they were going to talk about a biting spider in England. It is called the fake widow spider and on some people can have a nasty effect. The woman in question had been bitten, and within minutes her thumb had turned black and she was having difficulty breathing. She had lots of other symptoms, but the one that gives me the eebie jeebies is not being able to breathe. It is a long standing fear of mine, (amongst others, I can hear Sindie saying!)
Anyway, I lay on my sun chair in the garden, and was just dozing off, when I got stung or bitten on my arm! It felt like a cigarette burn, and I could clearly see the site of the actual sting, which had left a little wheal. Lennie wanted to take Pickles for a walk, and despite my pleas to wait and make sure I wasn't going to die, he went!
Anyhow, I am fine, and will try and do another blog tomorrow.
Well, I say! No sign of a cuppa indeed! You gave me the impression that you were not staying as you wanted to get home and sit in the garden! Len didn't even sit down! How rude, I say..... how rude! :O)
Im glad you did survive!!! I saw that awful thing on spiders too!!!
loved all your pics !!! great.
love Anne xxx
Oooh ha ha ha! Add that to the list of scary things mummy!!!
Oh what an interesting blog Sandie, I often feel a little left out as I am so far away BUT your blog sort of made me feel I was part of it. Yes I recognized the centre, it brought back lots of memories. Tina Spain ;O(
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