Sunday, 22 July 2007

My Lemon Tree

Hi again, I thought you would like to see how my lemon tree is getting along. This was sent to me by my friend Ria after I had fallen down a lot of stairs and was in considerable pain. I was having to sleep in the armchair as I couldn't lie down, and she felt sorry for me! It was just coming into flower when she sent it, and now, despite all this torrential rain (or maybe because of it), it has lots of lemons on it. I have cut off dozens of them to try and get the plant to concentrate on the few that are left, and make them grow.


Croom said...

Hmmm and who was with you when you fell down the stairs ah? who did you send scuttling to hide under a bed, not to come out again until the ambulance took you away huh!

Who did you leave with the most horrendous nightmares when she returned to nurse her Daughter ah!

Babs (Beetle) said...

Shame it's not an orange tree eh? We could have all had one to eat :O)

Sindiesmiff said...

I'll make you all a Gin and Tonic with a slice of lemon when they're ripe!

granny grimble said...

Never mind the gin! I'd like one of those squidgy lemon soaked cakes. I can feel the saliva gathering!

Ria said...

Oh Well done i think i should have considered the effort involved though! Ooops!
Ria xxxxxxxxxxxxxx