Spider Repellent
Those of you who know me, will be aware that I am absolutely petrified of spiders! I feel sick with dread everytime August/September comes around, because that is the spiders mating season, and the time the huge ones all appear at different times, crawling through different rooms in the house.
The ones that freak me out the most, are the ones that appear in my bedroom! The thought that they could have been crawling over the bed while I am in it makes me feel sick. Anyway.......I saw an advertisement in a magazine advertising this 4 in 1 Pest Repellent machine. It works by emitting ultrasonic pulses which create a 'noisy and hostile' environment which repels pests, whilst remaining absolutely safe for humans and household animals (cats, dogs and goldfish). The appliance is not safe to use if you have the following household pets: Mice, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs, chinchillad, minks and TARANTULAS!!!
It also emits Electromagnetic Waves. Pests hiding in the cracks and walls are repelled by the use of these waves, safely emitted from the appliance throughout the wiring of your house. It also has a clean air ioniser, and an automatic night light. It is effective in an area of 250 square meters (average three bedroom home). Now as I have a larger 4 bedroom house, once I have proved this works, then I shall need to buy another one for downstairs I think!
Now this is the part of the instructions that has really freaked me out!!
'Soon after the appliance is installed, you will probably notice more pests than usual as they are repelled from their hiding places!!! This is normal, and after a period of time will disappear.'
I am now totally on edge, waiting to see all these spiders evacuating their homes and looking for other houses to invade that don't have this super duper pest repellent!! My sister Leeta has said that this is probably the best time to install it, because the large spiders haven't come in yet for mating, and by the time they are ready, they will be put off because of these pulses and waves.
I just had to share this with any other spider hating people. For those that love them, this won't harm them but will make them scamper away quickly from whence they came!
I have naturally plugged it in in my bedroom to ensure that they go first, but when the light comes on at night it is very spooky, and has me scouring the carpet for spiders wishing to evacuate during the night, unseen!!
This is the best picture of the light I could manage, because without a flash it was just a bright blue light.
So come on then, I am dying to hear all your witty comments:0)
Oh God I hate them too, i want one of those gadgets but they start coming out in march from hibernation I think :(
love anne xxx
Oooooh ha ha ha! *SNORT* That tickles me so much. What's that behind you?....Ha ha ha!
Oooh I would be going away while all the little and not so little creapy crawlys do an exit, I would be jumping and screaming all the time.
It will be worth it if it works though, my neighbour next door here has one in her house for the mossies she says its for all incects, she has not seenany mossies in her house house so it must work.
Jeanette Spain
Ooooh Sandie. What a good idea. I hope it is still working when I visit. I don't think my throat could stand another bout of screaming (seeing that spider running towards us in the living room). Teehee! X
If you listen really hard you will hear tiny, high pitched voices singing..... "My old man said run from that sound, and don't dilly dally on the way. Off went me mate wiv 'is wife and kiddy, I follow on 'coz I feel quite giddy......" Clipity clop, clipity clop, clipity clipity clipity clop! Ha ha!
This is the second time I commented. The first got lost!
I hope you've kept the address as I will most certainly want to get one of these if it works. I told Sandie I could imagine all these spiders departing in crocodile file, wearing bowler hats and clutching little suit cases. Seriously, this is going to make a lot of us silly, hysterical ladies very, very happy! And you Sindie Smith, will have to eat humble pie!
Oh Sandie, I should try to get Leeta to buy one so they are all gone by the time I get there on the 19th Feb. How much are they? Perhaps I will even treat her to make sure she gets one!
I could not live with the period they are on the march though Ö( (see my eyes are on top of my nose with fear hee hee
Tina xxx
I have had one in my garage for two years mum - they have built webs on it!
The spiders in my garage are now actually bigger with larger muscles.
I hope it isn't the same one Chris, and that you are fibbing. This was a super duper expensive one:0(
Christopher Cowell don't be so cruel and unkind to your mummy and your aunty Leeta. Any way, you wouldn't have a large spider in you garage for two years. You would have sent Joe in to get it!!!!
ha ha ha! Chris you wicked boy!
Here is the proof they don't work...
It does not say they were using anything Christopher Cowe'll. Liar Liar pants on fire.
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