Tuesday, 17 March 2009


I would like to apologise for my absence to whoever normally reads my blog, but I have had a lot going on lately. Namely hospital visits and radiotherapy for my daughter Sindie. Each time I think I will have a go at a blog, my mind just goes blank! All we are thinking about at the moment are hospitals, scans and tests.
We have a couple more scans on the horizon, and with some pain management, hopefully things will settle down a bit for Sindie. Meanwhile she is her usual upbeat self.


Babs (Beetle) said...

Probably not the best time for blogging for you. I'm sure, when you start again, your readers will come back.

Croom said...

We will all wait with baited breath until the time is better for you.

All our thoughts and love go to Sindie Gary and the children as well as you and Len.

granny grimble said...

We all understand, so don't worry about it. Hopefully everyone else's blogs help to lighten your day a bit. XXX

MamaFlo said...

I want to thank you for the beautiful poem you shared with me.

meleah rebeccah said...

hope to see you blogging again soon!