Monday, 12 October 2015


We had to pop round to Chris and Sarah’s house while they were out.  We let ourselves in, and turned off the alarm, then set about the little job we had to do.
After about five minutes, I heard Lennie shouting something about the gate being left open.  I looked out of the front window, and sure enough, we had forgotten to close the large gate across the drive.  Lennie was nowhere to be seen, so before I went out to close the gate, I looked out of the window into the back garden. 

There was Lennie, frantically waving his arms in the air, and making all sorts of strange noises.  I quickly popped outside, thinking maybe some wasps were attacking him or something.  The sight I saw was hilarious!  He was surrounded by seven sheep, all happily munching away on the lovely grass, completely ignoring his arm waving.  However, as he got louder they began to move, some of them going out of the side entrance to the front, then doubling back again in the other side entrance!  He eventually managed to get them out of the garden on to the front drive, and was successful at shooing them back out of the gate, and closing it.

He spent the next ten to fifteen minutes going all over the garden and drive picking up an unbelievable amount of sheep droppings, which he deposited in a bag, and put into the boot of our car!  On the way home they were put into one of the many ‘doggie bins’ in our village.

One thing is for sure, we won’t forget to close the gate again!  I must say, we had been warned by Chris and Sarah when they first moved to that house that the gate was to be kept shut at all times.  It only take a minute or two for the sheep to realise that a gate is open, and as if by some sort of telepathy, they all start making for it!


Babs-beetle said...

Ha ha! I can count ten sheep in that photo, or wasn't that taken in the garden? Sheep like a fresh bit of grass :)

weechuff said...

Haha! No, his garden isn't that large!! They were taken in the fields at the front of the property.

Croom said...

Ha ha, wish you had managed to get a photo of Len and his sheep dance :) anyway well done Len.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! So funny. I'm guessing Chris won't have to mow the lawn this week.
Kay x

Anne said...

I can so picture the scene - the delights of living in the country!

Anonymous said...

That was so funny. I too wish I could have seen Len's 'Rock and Roll with the sheep' dance! Not many people get to ride around with huge amounts of sheep poo in the boot of their car. It could have been worse I suppose, it could have been Cows. Ha! ha!
Love Leeta XXX

weechuff said...

He had cows get into the garden of his last house! They broke through the fence, in the middle of the night as well! They are very large, and trampled all over his garden. They were not easy to get back into their field through the gap in the fence, in the dark!!

Croom said...

When are you going to blog again?

weechuff said...

I forgot all about it! I will get round to it soon :0)

Panharith said...

anyway well done Len.

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