Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Len's birthday cards

I just thought I would show you two of Lennie's birthday cards that he received. The first one is from Sindie, in the form of a magazine. Isn't it a good idea?

The second one is from Chris, and is sooo funny!


Croom said...

I think you mean the second is from Sindie :O) It is soo good, does it open with pages?

Sandie I have to say that I have seen far better photos of you than the blog one, please change it!

Babs (Beetle) said...

The first is from Sindie! Very good idea :O)

granny grimble said...

Those cards were very funny. I didn't know Chris was into making cards, or wasn't it hand made? The magazine one was such a good idea. Well done Sindie. Did Len have many cards. I hope so, poor old boy!

Jeanette Spain said...

very good cards, Tina will be trying them now ha ha
Jeanette Spain

weechuff said...

Chris is certainly not into making cards! He bought it, but I just thought I would share it with everyone because it was so funny!